The German Academy for Town and Country Planning (DASL)
Admission of Jochen Richard in the academy
International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP)
Cities for Mobility (CfM)
German Partnership for Sustainable Mobility (GPSM)
Society for Spatial Planning (IfR)
Research Association for Road and Traffic Systems (FGSV)
Current Member of the following working groups:
AK 1.3.5 "Recommendations for the design of local traffic networks" (since 2008)
AA 2.12 "Ambient quality at streets" (since 2011)
AK 2.12.4 "Impact of environmental pollution control measures" (since 2012, chairman 2012- 2016)
AK 2.20.1 "Traffic noise" (since 2001)
Assistance "Documentation Street" (since 2012)
German Association of Transport Sciences (DVWG))
The German Association for Acoustics (DEGA)
Member of the "Working group noise of the DEGA" (ALD)
Contact person of the working group urban land-use planning, inner city densifycation, quiet areas, spa and recreational areas
German Aid Association for Social Housing and Settlement (DESWOS)
Long-term support for development aid projects